Linda M. McCarthy has studied Spirituality and the Mind -Body connection for over 20 years. Her pursuit began when she observed that there was more to life than what was being revealed to her.
Linda began to focus her energy on how beliefs play a critical role in the perception of all aspects of life, both here and in the non-physical.
As with other extreme challenges in life, experiencing the deaths of loved ones – though difficult -can become an opportunity for our souls to grow.To clarify what our own beliefs are about what exists after death and how best to honor them- even continuing a relationship with those who have passed on. Discovering ways to both respect and communicate with those who are physically gone – yet somehow remain with us energetically.
Linda has a passion for pursuing the connection between our physical life and life after physical death. As Helen Keller beautifully stated:” Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.”
Many of us have experienced the passing of loved ones at some point in our lives. By far the most difficult was my son Sean in 2014, but I also understand that it has created the potential for incredible spiritual growth and clarity in my ability to continue our relationship. We are energetic beings housed in a physical body, and even though we ALL drop our body, we still remain energetic beings. This is why our relationships can continue, filled with love and joy.
I offer ways to help you enhance your connection with loved ones both here and on the other side. Remember, we are energetic beings housed in a physical body. Together, we can discover the best options for you to honor and communicate with those on the other side, because as we know, love never dies.
As a board certified Metaphysican, with years of research, as well as personal experience on the other side due to a medical issue, I know that each of us has a much bigger purpose to our life than we have been led to believe by society. Shed your illusions of what others have told you, and honor the gifts that you have been given to bring joy and happiness back into your life.
Breaking the cycle of limited beliefs, allows you the freedom to focus on what truly matters. Let me help you remove those barriers, and find joy again.
If you would like to contact me please call: 623-738-3872